Hi @Jeremy W. The project is work in progress but learning as I go.
We got the place ready in time for the hot Phx summer so it was pretty slow July-Aug but started to pick up in September. My philosophy was to keep it at a $95/night min. even though many people heavily discount during the summer. Most of the furnishings are new so I'd rather just keep them nice and bank on Mid and High season to make my return while preserving the condo's new appeal.
Sept: $2150
Oct: $1520
Nov: $1630
Dec: $1730 (proj)
Jan: 1/2 full, Feb: 3/4 full and March: 1/2 full. Feb and March are at $150-$200/night.
If I had to take a stab, I'd say I'll end up around $18K-$21K for year 1. Not a gold mine but learning and setting up my team. Plus I get to stay there about a month or so and it still looking great.
Couple of thoughts with more to follow..
1. Summer in Scottsdale is really hot (110), you need to lock the thermostat so the tenant can't run the AC at 65 degrees for 5 days straight and kill you AC unit (that was guest #1.. $1500 lesson after the water in the ceiling damage)
2. Most guests are very respectful and awesome, so don't get discouraged when you have a bad one.. it's par for the course.
3. Highly recommend a video doorbell to keep an eye on the property, makes sure cleaning gets in there on time and just general security. Of course disclose that on your listing too.
4. Find reliable partners (cleaners, handyman, AC guy).
That's it for now. Happy Holidays!