@Ron S. Your advice is much appreciated. My research corroborates that challenging the existence of the note would be frivolous. And you're absolutely right, just because the mortgage may have been a bad deal does not make it fraudulent. I'm trying to look at the situation as an entrepreneur, not as a victim.
Sorry for any misunderstanding, I have no reason to believe the loan is fraudulent. I brought up WMC in context of mere conjecture, not opinion, and certainly not fact.
Thank you, also for crunching the figures. It's definitely my unclear wording that's at fault here.
No millions here, just thousands in K:
$475K = Loan servicer approved a short sale for this amount.
$890K = Value if the property were in excellent condition.
$700K = Multiple parties are arriving at this number as their bid.
$580K = Loan servicer hired a 3rd party to perform BPO for short sale. Report was provided with this figure, by the loan servicer.
I appreciate the information regarding foreclosure lawsuits and bankruptcy law. Interestingly, it contradicts the explicit words of an attorney that was hired with retainer. But what you are saying sounds more like the truth.
The statute of limitation = this is VERY good to know. Seriously, thank you so much.
@Tom Gimer I see. Thank you.