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@Account Closed - I'm not sure what my holding period would be on multifamily yet. I'm still trying to figure out the basics and create my plan. My plan right now, and this is 4 weeks in of starting my investing research, is to buy a multifamily property with an FHA loan (if I can) and live in one of the units. If I do move to a less expensive market, I think I have enough capital to do a traditional mortgage if necessary.
If you are analyzing any investment (particularly a real estate investment), at some stage you have to be aware of what your holding period of the investment is to make any sense of the investment. Not knowing your holding period isn't a good sign --as it often also means not knowing your exit strategy and will likely spook any anyone trying to fund a deal.
From an FHA standpoint, 3.5% compared to 20% for down payment may be good (less hit to the wallet) but also may be moot in terms of getting a deal to make sense for a noob investor in LA. The grittier matters of concern is likely to be your mortgage rate and consequently your monthly payment and other monthly expenses and to what extent these expenses are completely covered from rental income (think debt service coverage).
When researching, you of course want to look into the FHA loan limits on a multifamily as it applies to you and where you are able to buy in/at per the limit. Reserve requirements and debt service coverage are also things you want to look into as if the numbers don't make sense from a debt service coverage requirement perspective, why the headache?
Remember, this isn't an issue of whether or not properties appreciate in Los Angeles. 5.8% per year is the historical average there.