There are lots of variables that you may want to share that would influence the advice you recieve. For instance, are you looking for a turn key rental or something underpriced that you can renovate and rent out? What is your ideal renter demographic? College students, working class families, middle income renters, etc.
Fundamentally, it is important to understand that Indiana is an incredibly heterogenous/diverse housing market. NW Indiana is closer to Chicago in terms of culture and housing stock, with a bigger blue collar employment base and many older bungalow-style SFRs.
Then there are all the college towns. South Bend, Bloomington, Lafeyette, Muncie etc. These towns cater to students, but in older more mature neighborhoods, there are also opportunities to rent to academic staff and faculty.
And of course, the big elephant in the room is Indianapolis and its N. Suburbs which are growing and popular for investors.
I would encourage you to consider Indiana as a collection of many smaller markets. You should be researching each one of these markets individually and trying to determine what city and neighborhood is right for your business model.
Edit: Personally, I think Muncie/Yorktown near Ball State is one of the most undervalued areas in the state. You are always going to have a constant flow of educated young academics/professors looking for housing here. And out-of-state investors do not know the area very well like they know South Bend and Bloomington and other major college towns.