@Kayla Oliver-Pratt
It's a difficult time all around so please keep in mind that the tenant may be suffering too.
Develop your game plan.
How to do that.
Emotionally come to terms that this property may no longer be financially viable to your goals and be foreclosed on by the bank. once you accept this fact you will be in a much better state of mind. Does this suck....absolutely, but it needs to happen and please remember that your goals are much much bigger than this one property.
Now get all your paperwork in order. Get anything that has the tenants signature on it regarding the property.
Any future paperwork should be sent to the tenant by certified mail. That way they have to sign and cannot refute that they didn't receive it.
Send a letter that in a nice tone says that there has been no payment and during these troubling times that you are here to work through their unique situation.
Hopefully you have photos of inside the property when you visited to document the damage.
Get any paperwork you have with the attorney. Get them to send you a letter on their letterhead that has there recommendations on proceeding as well as a current timeline of how long it will take for the courts. Make sure they give the worst case longest timeline.
With all of this information you now need to contact the bank or whoever is holding the Note on the property to talk with them about what is going on and next steps.