Thank you for all the varied viewpoints, that what I look forward to find here!
One problem that I had, was confusing the different 'fees' and 'security deposits' and similar things that I found discussed on this forum. It appears that I invented an additional fee out of the various comments that I read; the different possible... ummm... options are:
1. an up-front feet at application time, to ensure that applicant doesn't change their mind while I'm processing application.
2. a fee for running a background/credit check, such as via
3. the actual 'security deposit', typically equal to one-month rent, more or less.
Item 2 I don't have to collect; it's handled automatically by SmartMove; this has worked pretty well, certainly no applicants have objected to it; this only comes in if I've already researched the prospect's application and data, and selected them as my current prospect. (I just wish that the SmartMove results gave a little more info than they do, but that's a separate topic)
Item 3 is no argument, that will always be required, at time of rental-contract signing.
It is item 1 that I was asking about, and thinking of dropping, in the original post. When I was originally active on this forum, getting ready to rent my dad's house for the first time, in late 2012, I thought that many people were strongly recommending fee #1 as well as fee #2. This time around, as far as I can tell, *nobody* is suggesting that. The latter matches what I was feeling as well, and I'll just run with it for now, it seems to be working well. Yes, I could end up researching someone, then have them say "oh, nevermind, I went elsewhere", but that really wouldn't be the end of the world, and it's quite rare, at least so far.