Wow! I was unable to revisit this thread for a few days but just now checked in, and am so glad I did!
Troy Zsofka....THANK YOU! Your response is well expressed, and right on point. Yes, I should get over my desire to avoid lawyers, and get the advice I need...or end up spending MUCH more time with lawyers when I make a mistake. Excellent advice. Your other points also confirmed much of what I either know, or have suspected. On a related note, is there a "NH landlord support group" that I should join? I have not found much while searching the internet for such a thing.
After talking with the tenant and expressing my concerns, and then hearing their needs, I have decided to have them both sign a new lease that will be in effect until the end of the original lease (April 1). If all is going well, and they choose to renew (which he has already said he wishes to do), then a new lease will be done up for both of them with a rent increase. Two people are indeed an increase in wear and tear.
Between now and then, I will find and consult with an attorney specializing in real estate law. This subject will be discussed, and I will also have him/her go over my lease to be sure it is right.
Thank you all again. Much appreciated!
Mike Hurney...glad you like my hat! He has a built in heating element, very nice in the winter.