I'm sorry guys, but I couldn't disagree more with what most of you are saying... Yes Montreal is very hot and pricey right now, but the key to being a successful real estate investor in ANY market is to find REAL deals. When I say REAL deals, I mean REAL ones... Not the ones that your typical broker is sending your way. You have to work hard to find good deals. My team and I are talking to about 500 people per month to find one good deal. How many sellers are you guys talking to on a monthly basis and how many offers are you making ;)!? Don't get me wrong, it is very difficule like it is in any sizeable market. If it were easy, everybody would do it. When people say that it's impossible to make a good deal in Montreal because it's too expensive, it's like saying that no good deals can be found in NYC, Los Angeles, etc... I've made over 40 transactions in the last 5 years in Montreal and I've never lost a penny, so it's hard for me to agree when people say there are no deals, and I also know a lot of people who succeed even better than my team and I. Hope this helps!