These are the numbers on a prospective multi unit property in our area. I understand the vetting of the deal and do own one other 3 unit property near by that cash flows well. My question here is how do I structure this deal to make it work for all parties. We have a family member that wants to silent partner. They just want to help us move forward on our REI journey and are not concerned about making millions from the deal. That being said, I certainly don't want to take advantage of them and want them to make a competitive return on their money. That is where you guys come in here at BP. Using little to no money of our own down, how do we structure this deal? Our family member would be able to put up the $58,000 as well as secure the loan for us on this property until we re-fi it out in 2018.
I understand reviewing the cash on cash and cashflow etc for our market. I'm less concerned with those numbers at this time and am more worries about - How do I present this deal to our family member / partner?