Hi i am a fellow Aussie who is currently investing in the US and also have obtained finance in the US. It seems near impossible when you first start out, But don't give up it is worth it.
Do you need a LLC? - i would say this really depends on your financial situation and the tax benefits you are looking for, and how many properties you have. When we commenced our biggest concern was protecting our assets here in Australia I did not want to take the chance of loosing everything we had worked so hard for here so started with a LLC - which cost $550, all states are different so it will depend on where you are interested in buying property as to where the LLC is set up and you must have an agent in that state there are companies that do this or it could be the property manager. The state has to have a local person to contact if required, and any mail addressed to the LLC will also go to this address which then needs to be sent on to you.
Do you require a US bank account - Yes - you don't want to have to pay fees for transferring money all the time, once you have a few rental properties generating income, and bills to be paid it soon adds up and all your profits will disappear. Opening a bank account is not as easy as it once was but still can be done, the big banks such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo etc will want you to open an account in the LLC or C-Corp (business account) and a personal account (in your name) which will require a monthly balance to avoid fees just like here! the Personal account is to start a credit rating in the US. Another option is looking at the smaller banks in the state you are interested in buying they are easier to deal with for example: Enterprise Bank & Trust in Kansas. It can be done on line but if possible it is best to take a trip over there and check things out, face to face is always best.
Getting finance in the US is possible but the rates will be around 6 - 7% and until you have a few properties and a credit rating in the US you will be asked to put down a high deposit, my first was at 50% down, you will also need to work with a broker to achieve this.
It really comes down to your current situation and do you have the financial backing to get started, do you require the income now or are you planning for the future.
Always happy to chat have learnt a lot since starting, and still learning it is so different to here.