I read Ned's post. It gave me more substance on which to make my decision.
Ill base some of my calculations on that.
I am in agreement that paying off debt can be thought of as a return on your money. As he says a return on your investment. However its not an investment that pays you money, its one that saves you money.
My thoughts are that one day I wont have a job. When that time comes making money will be a priority over saving money. My perspective is that my debt may always be there but my job wont be. So I think the focus should be on solidifying my retirement and real estate portfolio and preparing for the day that my "day job" is no more.
The only way that I will pay off my current debt at the cost of postponing investing is that when the pay off for doing so will catapult me into an investment and earnings rate that will far exceed putting the debt aside for now.
So my question remains, does forfeiting investment spending today to pay down personal debt help me to achieve my goal slower or faster than keeping the debt and putting all of my current disposable income into investments?
Pay off debt VS Investment spending?
Less investment spending now VS More investment spending later?
Normal investment spending Now is (4k/month plus SFR income)
Currently my plan is to pay off my current and only property off by Feb 2014. Then Ill buy another and use my disposable income from my job and my SFR earnings to pay it off (within 24 mos). Rinse and repeat until I have 15 properties. That's 1.5 million in assets that generate an income of 15000 dollars per month.
I may change my plan at some point to acquire more than one house at a time. For now my comfort zone is one at a time.
What I have not done is sit down and figure out how long it will take to acquire 15 houses using this method. I think that is what I need to do next.