Thank you for considering my situation.
I think that the only way to sum this up is by this analogy:
If someone gave you 10 dollars and it was the last 10 dollars you would ever be given, What would you do with it? Your debt cost you 50 cents per month but totals 9 dollars. Would you use the gift money to pay your debt or would you keep paying the 50 cents per month and use the remainder to create a sustainable income for yourself.
However I totally see the value of paying off debt and i will. I just need to weigh it out a bit more and do the smart thing. Currently I feel that the smart thing is to create an income that will be there after my day job comes to an end.
Having said that, a very small portion of my debt costs me more than I would make in an investment. So at the best opportunity Ill pay it off.
I can be debt free in 16 mos IF and only if I stop investing. This would put me behind in my investment plan. How much? I dont know. Maybe I should do a spread sheet on that part as well.
Thanks for the idea. Thats what ill do next.
I appreciate you much.