@Tchaka Owen, Thank you for sharing your stories. I personally wrote a check to this homeowner for $250 (with an additional $250 promised after handing over the keys) and gave him 2 additional weeks to move. Gave me a thousand thank you’s and handshakes and I felt like a saint. He called me the day before the deadline and said things hadn’t worked out (money, place to stay, etc.) and that he just needed one more week. I asked if I could still view the property and he agreed. Not one. thing. in a box... Week later same story. Told him out of my hands and would begin eviction process. Cut to yesterday evening, the date ordered by judge to vacate. I notice vehicle gone from driveway and lights off so I (with some backup) investigate. Well come to find Mr. homeowner is nailing up blankets in living room and claims heat and power turned off. We live in ND so that’s serious stuff this time of year. I talked with him briefly and said we would be arriving with sheriff in two days. Gave some line about how he’s gotten a lot of different information (didn’t believe me) and said he wanted to talk the next day. Unbelievable. Oh, and called utility company, nothing turned off... Seriously, wtf?
@Angie Williams, Thank you so much for sharing your story as well. Hearing that makes me feel like I’m getting off wayyy easier with this guy.
@James Wise, Thanks for not sugar coating it! Ha
Clearly I was too idealistic and emotionally involved. As Tchaka said, I’m happy to help the ones who help themselves, but the others have chosen their fate and it’s not my burden to worry about them.
Can’t thank you guys enough! Weight lifted.