@Ingrid J.
Thanks for this. I did see the Scott Trench post around the time I was considering posting my question. There is a lot of good information mentioned in that stream and I'm grateful for the responses there. His post didn't specify limitations like I have in my case so I figured I'd see what others would suggest within those constraints.
To answer your question, I plan to make RE investing a part of my current portfolio for diversification purposes (other than my primary residence of course) and I'd ultimately like this to be a replacement an alternative to my regular work. Long term, I'm looking for cash-flowing properties (buy and hold or repositions in order to build a comfortable portfolio) but I'm pretty new to all the options at present. I am currently evaluating a property which I'd like to force appreciation on but even if that deal turns out favorably, obtaining it won't eat up the money I have on the sideline right now because it's outside of the Socal market. My long-term timeline is about 20+ years. The short-term timeline for the $100-$150k is 1-5 years with intentions to keep that money working. In about two years, I should be able to free up an additional $250k. I hope these details provide a better picture for you. Thanks for your response.