@Dawn MacMillan that is an excellent segment of the market that in vastly underserved in most communities (at least the ones that provide excellent care and amenities). I'm not quite sure if you meant your past rentals were used for adult care or not, so if not, it would be beneficial to start by reviewing the city/county code requirements for converting a residential home into a care home. The state licensing has also been mentioned already, so make sure that gets started as well as it takes a fair amount of time to get processed and approved.
Beyond the permissions and licenses though, start by surveying what the need is for Kingman by compiling a list of all the current homes available, vacancies, rates, services provided, and then drive by and tour as many as possible. This will provide you the insight as to what the competition is and where market share can best be achieved. Is it better amenities? Better staffing? Better location? Activities? Proximity to hospitals and professional care? Make your list of what is working and what is missing and then base your plan around a model that competes within that market.
My personal perspective, go for the high-end of the adult care market. You will be investing the same time and energy to hire and train staff, outfit the home, locate services, etc., so you might as well go for the highest ROI possible. You won't being paying higher staffing, food, medications, and amenities, so you might as well go for the highest ROI possible by attracting guests who want a high quality and attractive house. Having the largest and best positioned property in your market will set you apart from you competitors and leave a positive lasting impression on those considering your services. Happy to connect and assist if that is beneficial to you.