I'm trying to study as much as possible and obtain as much literature before i jump out into the field. I have a huge collection of courses, so i'm wondering if anybody is interested in trading courses with me? If so shoot me a e-mail thanks. here is my list
Ron Legrand "Wholesale Retail Cashflow System
Ron Legrand "Lease Option Cashflow System"
Ron Legrand "Forsale By Owner"
Ron Legrand "Paper Power"
Ron Legrand "Business Management"
Ron/ Jeff Kaller "Short Sells"
Ron Legrand "Multiple Listing Service bootcamp"
Ron Legrand "Private Lending Bootcamp"
Ron Legrand "Land Trusts"
Ron Legrand "Lease Option Bootcamp
Ron Legrand "Wholesale Retail"
Ron Legrand "Prettyhouse Bootcamp"
Ron Legrand "Sellin Houses Fast"
Ron Legrand "Guerilla Marketing"
John Burly "Advanced Level 5 Investment Bootcamp"
Peter Conti & David Finkel "Intensive Training"
Peter Conti & David Finkel "How To Buy Apartments With No Money Down"
Jim Banks "Probate Workshop"
Alberta Lowry "Real Estate Investors Course"
Ted Nichols "How To Pull Successful Sales Letters"
Scott Scheel "Coloassal Cash"
Chuck Smith "Huge Profit Fast Turning Luxury Homes"
Scott Rister "Motivated Sellers II"
Jeff Kaller "MasterMind"
Randy & Charlie France "Ez-Lease To Own"
Randy & Charlie France "ABC's Of Subject To"
Robyn Thompson "Rehabbing Houses For All Cash"
Richard Desich "Accelerated Wealth Building Thru IRA's"
Lou Brown "Land Trusts"
Lou Brown "Renovations"
Lou Brown "Property Management"
Lou Brown "Buy Sell Hold"
Lou Brown "Lease Options"
Lou Brown "Negotiations"
Robert Kiyosaki "Choose To Be Rich"
Robert Kiyosaki "The Perfect Business"
Robert Kiyosaki "Cashflow 101"
Robert Kiyosaki & Dolf De Roos "6 steps To Becoming A Successful Real Estate Investor"
Robert Kiyosaki "Cashflow Quandrant"
Carlton Sheets "No Down Payment"
Robert Allen "Creating Wealth With Real Estate"
Robert Allen "Multiple Streams Of Income"
suzie Orman " The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom"
Brian Tracy "21 Secrets Of Millionaires"