Hi, Im just curious if anyone that is young or look young has had an investor/seller/buyer or anyone one you met doing business has ever asked you how old are you? I get that all the time and feel uncomfortable. Its a saying that never ask a woman her age but this should go for both sexes. It discourage me alittle and feel that the person is not going take me serious because of my age or how young I look or even try to play me thinking Im young and stupid! Trust me most of the time they don't take me serious. I didnt know you had to be a certain age to get respect. I thought its what you do and how you do it.
Another thing how about where you live which is something they also ask me. When I do tell them they give me a look like im a hood rat or poor. I live in a what people might say a low income family neighborhood. That shouldnt dictate who I am.
I guess its something that people live with everyday. Anyone deals with this type of stuff and can tell me how to deal with it?