There are 2 trains of thought with this age old debate. The decision comes down to the type of person you are.
1. Hands on learner- Instead of spending $20k-$50k for a seminar to learn how to invest in real estate, you use that money to buy a deal and learn as you invest. The obvious pros are that you generally will return some sort of a profit or at least break even. Even if your endeavor comes at a loss, you will have learned some "to-do's" and "not-to-do's" along the way first hand. The cons are having to figure out on your own how to find leverage (if needed), where to find skilled laborers for your rehab, and a good agent to assist in your exit strategy.
2. Getting an education- You will have some insight and "potentially" some advice after the seminar or course is complete. You may also have some local referrals to assist you in your rehab and exit. The con would be having spent money and still be pretty much at square one without having actually done an investment.
There are definitely values in each... it boils down to the person I guess. Good luck with your investing expedition!