@Christopher Davis
I buy in C and D areas. About 50% of my tenants are section 8. It comes down to screening, as someone else said. The majority of my tenants are very good. Few pay late. I actually do very well renting in these areas. After they leave, expect to change out the cabinets, counters, carpets, appliances, and paint. I don't really care about these as the majority of my tenants stay a while. The best piece of advice I can give you would be to buy multis (I don't own any SIngle family houses) that have 3+ bedrooms as they tend to stay longer. I have 2 duplexes with huge four bedroom units in each. I BRRRed them, ended up with 80-100% cash on cash ROIs, and they rent for an average of $1500-$1800 per Mo. Section 8 subsidized. I am making an absolute killing off these. I also put granite in my rentals when doing a rehab. Formica Counter's get water logged and destroyed, but with granite I can simply replace the cabinets if need be and reuse the granite. Also, things like granite and stainless appliances I've found attract better and cleaner tenants. They appreciate a nicer place, and since nicer places in C and D areas are tough to find, they are grateful and take slightly better care of it. My biggest focus is always reducing vacancies and getting the best quality tenant possible for these low income areas. Yes, you can get stuck with a bad tenant in these areas so I pay first months rent to have my agent list my rentals on the MLS, do the showings, and we both work together to screen the final tenant that ends up taking the unit. Also some of the government subsidy programs I work with offer 2 months rent security deposit (not section 8). So if and when they do move out, I can do quite a bit with $3500+.