@Stephanie Choi i would definitely set up an LLC. You can still get a residential loan with an LLC, you just need to close on the property in your personal name (as someone else stated residential loans are hard to obtain in an LLC) and then quit-claim the property to the LLC. While this technically may violate the due on sale clause of your loan, I've never heard of a bank enforcing it.
One thing to keep in mind is If you plan on acquiring more properties in the future and place them all in that same LLC, all of those assets in that same LLC are exposed if you were to ever get sued. So, something worth looking into is a "series LLC". This type of LLC compartamentalizes every asset held under the same (parent) LLC, so each asset is not exposed in case of litigation. From what I've heard, you can create one bank account for this LLC and multiple properties and it won't be considered co-mingling funds. I wish I had more info on this type of series LLC and if someone reading this does, feel free to chime in, because it's something I myself am looking into setting up. I believe you can even take it a step further and set it up as an Anonymous trust, which would allow others to have to dig a bit deeper in case of a lawsuit (if they don't know you own an asset or other assets then the less likely they may be to move forward with litigation).