There are still ways to get business credit without a personal guarantor. You need to obtain an EIN for your business from the IRS. Make sure your business is listed incl. address and phone in the yellow pages and other directories.
The largest company for business credit reports is Dun and Bradstreet (DnB). Obtain a DnB account number free of charge by visiting:
It is completely free to obtain this number, though they might try to sell you one of their credit builder packages.
Start by establishing trade lines, e.g. 'Net30' accounts from companies like Grainger, Gemplers, Quill, Wright Express or Global Industrial. You basically place order with those companies, but instead of paying in advance you ask them to bill you (you usually have 30 days, hence the description 'Net30'). Make sure to pay off those invoices as soon as they come in. The companies will report to DnB and as soon as you have three references in your credit file DnB will generate a 'paydex' score.
Once your company has a paydex score and has been in business for at least three years you can apply for unsecured credit cards like Staples, Office Depot, Home Depot, Lowes etc. If you take a look at theit business credit applications (all underwritten by CitiFinancial) you'll notice that they only require a personal guarantor if the company has been in business for fewer than three years.
Experian as well as Equifax both offer business credit reports as well, however DnBn is being used most often.
I hope that helps.