The fees that changed were not lender fees, but title fees. The lender is responsible for "disclosing" title fees, but not responsible for the number and the dollar amount of the title fees themselves. You and your realtor have much more control over the number and the dollar amount of title fees than the lender does, but back to this point, in a minute.
It is accurate that some lenders historically underestimated fees so that the bottom line "cash to close" looks less from lender A to lender B, perhaps done knowingly to get you to close with them. It is now also accurate that loan officers currently overestimate fees so that the borrower is pleasantly surprised at closing.
Back to title fees. Is the end result that you want lower title fees...I guess I would want lower title fees, too. However, you have to look at your real estate contract. Who selected the title company? If the seller or seller's realtor picked that title company, and contract indicates this, about all you can do is call title company to request a reduction in title fees. If seller's side picked this title company, they are likely paying for your owner's title policy and saving you a chunk of money on title fees (about $500 per $100,000 of property purchased), so will not be much interested in reducing fees.
If you or your realtor picked the title company, then the ball is in your court. You can change title companies or "FIRE" them in the words of the Donald anytime up to 2 weeks before closing with nary a ripple in the water (unless they have done some title work for which they may request reimbursement). Point is, lender does not set title fees nor pick title company on 99.9% of purchases...buyer, seller, or realtors pick title company.
Here would be my issue. WHY is ORIGINATION exactly ZERO? Is there an underwriting fee listed? Or a processing or admin fee listed? How about appraisal costs? If none of the above is listed, is your lender going to give you a credit for these fees? If yes, the lender is giving you a credit, they will need to increase the interest rate quite a bit to cover these fees. Finally, are there documentary stamps on the amount borrowed and a charge for recording the deed in your Florida county?
Services you can shop for means just that. Don't just shop for a lender, shop for a title company, too, unless the executed real estate contract says otherwise.
Sorry for the long, you know...