I have property in several states now and for that reason my usual a-political self has become more attuned to anti- landlord state/local legislation. Subjects like rent control and vacancy control, and anti short term rental legislation keep me stirred up.
I started looking for a national group that represented the rights of the landlord but have not found any.
It seems to me that the national AFFORDABLE HOUSING SHORTAGE is being laid on us. Since social services can not find housing in many areas and can’t or won’t pay the rising rents we need our rents controlled. NY state is looking at widening rent control to northern municipalities.
El Dorado County NV is stopping short term rentals IN SOUTH LAKE TAHOE residential areas.
San Diego County is eliminating short term rentals in its Coastal Zone by using Sacramento lawmakers to circumvent the local voting process.
It goes on.
So if you are aware of an advocacy group that is national and political with a lobby for landlords please forward a name ..