Quote from @Remington Lyman:
Quote from @Micah Herrera:
Hello BP forums! I am going into my senior year of HS and have been accruing capital for the past year-ish. I currently have about 10k saved up with +7k in my checking and 3k in my stocks(a bit less rn because of the bear market) from working regular HS jobs (and will accrue more) . I want to start investing in real estate in about 11 months when I graduate HS and turn 18. My parents and grandparents have offered to pay for my college and I plan on taking them up on the deal and going out of state. I have narrowed down my choices to texas A&M, Purdue, or Ferris state (big rapids, Michigan). Not to toot my own horn but I got a 32 on my ACT (36 on stem portion) and I had a 4.25 last year so I would almost definitely get scholarships and can get into all of these schools. I am going to college for Construction management and would like to own a land development company to further aid my investments. I want to invest in a multifamily but am unsure if I should invest in Columbus ASAP (a market which I believe in very much but would be away from in college) or wherever I go to school. I was thinking I cauld househack in college in a sort of student rental. I would be very thankful for any guidance.
I recommend you convince your parents to give you cash instead of pay for college and start full-time real estate investing now. You can start by cold calling for deals in Columbus, Ohio are buying them now! I started investing when I was 23 and I wish I started sooner!
Gotta say, with his goals and grades that is bad advice. I have heard gurus give that advice, boiled down to buy my classes and follow me, not saying that is what you have in mind. He will learn valuable skills that drop outs will take decades to learn if they ever do, regardless of the money made. There are lucky folks who make great money without much of a formal education, it could have been much easier and much more if they had other business skills.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying college is for everyone or even required, but when you're rounding the top of the class I'd say he needs to pursue his real education.
Real Estate isn't a hot market all the time for any strategy, accurate forecasting isn't taught by RE Gurus, but it is in college. Construction management will go on as long as man keeps building, RE "investing" could be obsolete as we know it today in 20 years, even 10 years. Consider AI and institutional investors, regulation changes as well, it is possible for strategies used today to be highly illegal in the future.
We all have hind sight, students today will be in a purely global economy, what we did in the past is not very "forward thinking".
In fact, I'd go further for him to consider Engineering at A&M, Engineering and Law at Purdue! He says he wants to own a development company, a retired developer friend who did exceptionally well has his estate well over a hundred million. He didn't build houses he built shopping centers, hotels, resorts and apartment complexes. You don't ever do that from the skin of your teeth trying "no money to play with investor tactics" starting out cold calling homeowners.
Sorry for the rant, but that suggestion to a student who has saved like he has, earning the grades he has, just pushed the wrong button.