Originally posted by @Chris K.:
Originally posted by @Account Closed:
I didn't ask if it was required, I asked if they did anything I couldn't do myself. I'm still not convinced of that.
I'm pretty sure you're capable of doing anything you put your mind to. The realtor isn't doing anything you can't do, the loan originator isn't doing anything you can't do, the underwriter isn't doing anything you can't do, the lawyers aren't doing anything you can't do, the insurance broker isn't doing anything you can't do, the surveyor isn't doing anything you can't do, the home inspector isn't doing anything you can't do, the plumber or electrician isn't doing anything you can't do.
The real question is "Is it worth it for you to do it yourself?". We would burn ourselves out if we tried to do everything ourselves. Title is one of those major things that I want no part of and I will gladly pay to have that liability/responsibility fall in someone elses lap.
Actually, a loan originator is doing something I can't do. Otherwise, I wouldn't need one in the first place. Insurance broker is too. I don't have a license to insure, nor do I want one.