Hi Zach,
Some things I think about when I underwrote LIHTC properties when I was still in the business:
What are the max rents for the 30s, 50s and 60s and are we hitting these rents? If you aren't, great, means you got some room for value-add. If you're up against max, you're limited to whatever next year's increase(or decrease, which is terrible) in max rents.
Taxes. Usually properties require a 501c3 NP as a GP for it to qualify for tax exemption. Just need to clarify if a 501c3 is required for transferability.
LIHTC restrictions: Check the LURA!! (Land use reg agmt). It will state what the restrictions are and for how long. Some restrictions last 15, 20, 30+ years. Some even 99 (perpetuity) in the northeast. Check what happens after the restrictions are up. Can units go mkt rate? If so, there's a 3-year phase out process.
Many basic LIHTC properties are subject to 15 year restrictions so your building's restrictions might be coming up soon?
For more resources, check out Novogradic. It's what I used for calculating max rents and finding other LIHTC apts nearby. Great for learning more about LIHTC as well.
Msg me if you have any more questions.