Ryan, you mentioned how driving your farm area is the best method to learning values as well as finding vacant/beat up houses that could possibly be deals. On the issue of learning values, would I have to schedule walk-throughs with realtors in that area? And after that, how would I find out what the houses are actually selling for? This would give me a good grasp of what they're listed for but I don't know that any realtor would want to tell me what the house eventually sells for. Is there anything else I should be doing, on the ground, to help with understanding valus?
Also, you talked about picking a few marketing strategies and doing them consistently for six months. When you say consistently, do you mean weekly, monthly, etc? For example, if I'm targeting probates with direct mail, I'd only be able to that once a month or so. If I'm putting out bandit signs (and in my area, northwest suburbs of chicago, they get taken down pretty quick), I'd only be able to do that once a month as well due to budget issues. So the only thing I could really do weekly would be looking at newspapers for FSBO's and driving the neighborhood. Is there anything else you could suggest that I should do on a weekly, or even daily, basis? Without giving your golden nuggets, of course :D.
Thanks in advance, your posts in previous topics have been very helpful!