Dion, Chris:
Thank you for your reply:
I have been trying to educate myself by looking at the paper trail of all the transations made by another investor during the last calendart year. I have also visited the houses (from the outside only) and the neighborhoods. This investor has been in the business for 10+ years and operates in Raleigh, NC.
Based on the turnover rate and the apparent gross profitability of this investor, i dont think by this time in history he is taking any chances and already has a way to target houses with no need of significant repairs, with no serious hidden physical or legal problems and most probably are no inhabitted by difficult people (if any).
A side note: All my R.E investment experience amounts to two home purchases following the traditional path (bank loan and agents). I have absolutely no experience or previous knowlege on any of the procedures or paperwork involved in Trustee Sales, so please excuse if my questions may sound too basic.
I am very aware that the truste sale is an only cash business. I am also working on a plan to allow me the needed resources.
1. How do you research Tittle and Liens?
So far, I am looking at services offered by "investor oriented" paralegals ($90 to $150); however, I don't see any kind of job warranty and that make me nervous.
Should I better go for the services of a Tittle insurance company that may also issue an insurance commitment ($300+)?
Since reaserch will be done as part of the bidding selection process, this would be a constant growing cost.
2. How do you asses or gauge the internal condition of the property?
I definitively not counting with collaborative tenants or owners.
3. Do you market your properties by yourself or enlist the help of a R.E agent?
4. Will the foreclosure sale errase all other liens and loans but Tax liens and IRS?
5. After the foreclosure sale a Trustee Deed is issued. When/How I can get a marketeable general warrantry deed?
6. To finish this post, please let me ask you perhaps the most inportant question:
What else should I be asking you? What important points should be considered in this kind of business?