@Paige Clarke I would say that having a mentor helped me in multiple ways along my journey.
First...where to invest? Houston is a big place and knowing what areas are good for investing and which ones to stay away from is important.
Second...how to find deals? My particular investor recommended farming MLS to start out. For those who aren't ready to spend a lot of money on direct mail, MLS can be a viable option depending on where you live. I hear many investors say that it's too competitive but there are deals out there if you are persistent. Really the worst thing that can happen trying MLS is that a bunch of realtors will tell you no!
Third...evaluating deals? My biggest hurdle was fear that I would buy a house that was a bad deal. I think that is many people's fear. Having someone just say the words, "this is a great deal" relieved so much pressure for me.
There are so many curve balls and speed bumps you run into when trying to find and put together a deal that it was a huge advantage to be able to call my mentor and say, "the sellers agent called me and said this...what do you think?" or "they countered back at $65k, what should I do?" In the end, I would get advice on how to handle these objections and pick up little strategies on how to overcome them.
Hope this helps.