@Brandon Clark Like most others have mentioned- it can be spotty for sure. However, we recently moved to the Gentilly area and have been really happy here so far (but I'll be happier when our renovations are done, ha!). We are East of Elysian Fields, as are a few other people I know who have recently moved to the area. Seems like the "terrace" is hot right now (that's where the others I know have purchased- all owner-occupied, including couples, young families and a single gal)- bounded by Mirabeau, Gentilly, Elysian Fields and People's. We strongly considered a few properties a little North of those bounds, and ended up buying in Fairmont Park just South of Gentilly Blvd (my co-worker was convinced I was crazy, but we love our street).
Driving around worked great for us to figure it all out. We were using a VA loan so our criteria was a lot different for this home than our norm for an investment property, but as we walk/drive around we're seeing a lot of "potential next buy" properties in our area. I've heard a lot of chatter about people wanting to move this way considering crazy rent prices in other parts of the city, so I think if you pick the right spot you could certainly do well in this area.