Ha! Well said @Mason Moreland always appreciate a good dad joke! In hindsight I should've just posted "Hey, anyone ever rent to hunters before?". I did not foresee getting in to a debate about ecology/science/politics/effective use of the English language - I actually didn't intend or expect a debate or discussion at all really?!? Oh well :)
To be clear, I'm not doing this as an investment. I will buy the land to protect it, plant some trees on it, potentially enroll in a state program (there are some in MN where you essentially leave farm land alone and restore it back to wetlands/forests/ natural habitat, etc), maaaaybe camp/small trailer/retire there?!? Am I going to make a significant impact on changing the world, no. Am I hoping to make the world a little bit better? I fail to see how planting trees where there was once trees won't do that.
I will DM you as I'm curious your take on what might make the most sense (read: have the greatest impact I can make - however small).
Thanks for your perspective.