I wanted to follow up on this thread because I am getting so much conflicting information on this topic. MOST things you read online say the VA assumable loan is intended for primary residence and you must occupy the home for certain amount of time.
However, according withroam.com which specializes in VA/FHA loan assumptions, you can assume va loans for investment. Below is straight from their FAQ:
"VA loan assumptions do not require the home to be your primary residence, making them a great option for real estate investors. If you’re interested in assuming a VA loan, you will be required to purchase the home in your name and have enough cash to cover the seller’s equity in the home. The seller must also be okay with foregoing their entitlement until the loan is paid off.
But, FHA loan assumptions require the home to be your primary residence. To qualify to assume an FHA loan, the property must be your primary residence for a minimum of one year. This means you must live in the home for more than six months out of the year."
So which is it? How can they definitively say that VA loans can be assumed for investment when there is so much out there saying otherwise?