@Eric Grunfeld
@Bryan Mitchell
Thanks for the shout out Bryan.
Eric, looking at your past posts, you have looked or started to look at several different Real Estate investment avenues. Versus discussing Self storage, here is my recommendation for you.
1. How much cash or collateral at 65% do you have?
2. How do you plan to finance? 100% cash, 20% SBA, 25% conventional, 40% conventional.
The two items above determine the size of the project you can tackle. If you have $50,000 and do a 25% conventional loan, then you can do a $200,000 deal generally speaking.
Now that you have narrowed your project size down, determine a type of real estate investment. At this time just pick one.
Now look up on Loopnet and find a similar investment or on a Realtors listing. Do a costing to build such a location. Do a profit and cash flow stream analysis. Do this for about 5 different properties. Keep doing a post on each one, on here and have people analysis your approach. Don't worry about buying it. Don't worry about knowing how to do this. Just do it, even if its on a napkin and share. Key, is you want to start.
After you have done, that, reach out on here for suggested courses, training seminars, etc that fit the type of investment you're interested in.
After that you need to "Jump In". Pick a small deal and run the numbers and as long as you have Low risk exposure, just do the project. Yes, you will fail. Make sure its small. But, you will learn more than reading and asking.
The above will get you started down your real estate path.