Banks like seeing that W-2 so you having a job is pretty vital, at least when starting out. If you don't want to go the tradition college route, you could look into a Praxis apprenticeship. They'd match you with a start-up most likely and it's a paid apprenticeship, after that's over (6-9 months) you get a job offer. It's an accelerated way to enter the job market without incurring any debt. Here's the creator talking about it.
You should really read Scott Trench's book Set For Life and Craig Curelop's book The House Hacking Strategy, they both invest in and around Denver and do quite well. I think they're the best books for young people to read. BTW if you're in Denver why not just try to get a job at BP? :)
Subscribe to Mark Ferguson's Youtube channel while you're at it, he's a wealth of information and takes you along his investing journey in Colorado.