Ziv Magen Perhaps I did not fully explain the situation. Yes, you are correct- banks making up numbers is a large part of what got them into this situation. In this case, they have gone to the other extreme, which is making the problem for the banks worse, because now a very qualified buyer can't buy.
To demonstrate my qualifications- I have been renting a house for over 5 years, paying 435/month. The last couple of months my rent was raised to 455. If I got a loan for this house, I would be paying about $223/ month PITI. It would also cost me about $75 more in utilities each month. That is about 300 a month compared to what I have been paying- 455/month. So by buying, I am saving $155 every month. I can use that money to build up a rainy day fund, for when things get tight or when repairs are needed, and if I get a good fund saved up, I can start making extra payments.
Now, lets say my business (been in business since 2004) tanks and I lose my income. I can't get a job with my extensive experience in web development or IT skills and my college degree. So I go flip hamburgers at McDonalds. I make min wage. (7.25/hr). I can only get part time hours for 20 hours per week. You see, this is a worst case scenario. (Okay, even worse would be if I died or became severely disabled- I plan to have enough life insurance to pay off the mortgage in the case of death). So now I am making 580/month. Some of that is taken out for taxes. Guess what? I can still pay my house payment! I have a war chest saved up, I have a 6-12 months worth of food in the pantry. I could get food stamps or other government assistance. I can survive! If that happens while I'm renting, I would probably not be able to pay the rent.
So, as we see, it is far more likely for me to be able to pay a mortgage than to be able to pay rent. The bank would be making one of the most secure loans they have ever made. I haven't even mentioned that my wife could get a job if she had to.
I think the bank is making a very poor decision. It does not matter what house I buy, they are still making a poor decision by denying me a loan. Why are they making this decision- because they won't accept my student loan payment for what it is. I consolidated my loans and set them up on Income Based Repayment, and rather than accepting my payment, they make one up. Sure, if my income increases by $4,000 this year, my payment will go up by $16 next year. But really? If I am making $4,000 more, I think I can afford $192 more debt! If I remember correctly, in order for my payment to get to the numbers the bank makes up, I would have to increase my income by 40,000. And if that happened, I could just pay of the stinking mortgage all together and not worry about it! In that scenario, my ratios would be so low as to be insignificant.
The risk of me losing a bank mortgage is so tiny, any person could look at it and approve it- but the banks have given up on having people review things, and instead do it by computer. And computers aren't programmed to handle every scenario. In fact, banks are famous for doing an extremely poor job of programming their computers.
I don't take it personally, I pity them, wallowing in their ignorance and stupidity. I get upset when I think about TARP, but it isn't personal. In fact,I have decided to send off one more volley of contacts to banks that might be willing to do a 203(k) with a non-occupying co-borrower. It isn't rocket science, but a rocket scientist could tell you this loan makes sense.
Thanks everyone for your comments, I am learning a lot from this site and its members!