Thank you everyone who has taken the time to reply.
I wanted to follow-up on the inspections. My PM was at the townhome about 6 months ago checking on a few things. This was not an inspection by the books with photos and at that time the property was a bit messy but no physical damage was noted. My PM does exterior inspections regularly through out the year. When they enter the home for repairs I get an update if anything is out of the ordinary. For a formal inspection, they charge $78 and take photos and write up a report. I haven't requested them to do a formal inspection of any of my properties. For those of you who do hire PM out, are you having this done once or twice a year? I'm now thinking I should have this done. If I found this out a month ago, would it have changed anything?
I think @Nikki Grizzle hit the nail on the head with his life being turned upside down however this is no excuse for him to damage my property.
@Mike F. The property was shown after receiving permission from the wife for a certain day and time. The wife was not home and they were greeted by the husband who states he wasn't informed of the scheduled showing. He allowed it and my property manger entered. I got a call a few hours later.
I did not say that my property managers were doing an outstanding job. They are doing a relatively good job so far by me. I am happy that there is someone besides myself dealing directly with this. I agree 100% that everyone including PM will usually take the easier and more profitable route. I'm sure there are good honest people out there too but in business, most people care about money.
I'm not sure I know of a way to avoid this all together besides making sure you have enough money set aside to deal with problems when they arise.
@Christopher Haile Nope, sorry. This property is in Va Beach. I have management in Va Beach and Richmond.