This is incredibly helpful. So many suggestions. Thank you very much @Bruno C., @Peter R., @Luke Carl, @Paul Sandhu, and @Mike McCarthy!!
Has anyone in this chain done any thinking on the amount of time/money saved by setting up one of these systems vs. I guess the traditional style of getting emails, forwarding them along, etc.?
For example, we figured out that when we get an email to our generic info@ account, that takes about 1 minute to process and send to someone else, who then say spends on average 3 minutes on it. So 4 minutes per one of these emails (liberal estimation) at $16 an hour (~$.25 per minute) so a $1 per one of these emails. At about 20 emails a week, we spend roughly $80 a month just managing info@ emails. And so if we can cut that in half, we'd be willing to pay for a better solution.
Anyone else have a chain of thought like the above or am I over thinking it? :) I tend to do that, but in the spirit of efficiency in order to scale, we may as well think about it now...