@Caleb Heimsoth I bought the car in cash and at a huge discount from a distraught seller. I analyze all my big "fun" purchases as much as my business ones. my mindset is always...can I sell this for the same or more later regardless. the cash to buy the lambo wasn't refi money, however more of my personal spend money was taken to fulfill the purchase than to other personal areas like vacations, eating out, etc.
and my daily is a workhorse civic too ;)
most of my rentals were bought using cashout refis from previous purchases so I understand if worse comes to worse and I sell at a 20-25% discount, I would basically be netting 0 in terms of buying/selling. however I would have gained all the cashflow over the couple years. again, this would be a worst case scenario.
My goal with the 7 year loans was to be aggressive in the first 1-3 years and just buy more if I Could. and as I got closer to maturity, really start hoarding cash for anything that might come up.