@Jonathan Greene
Very true the internet is definitely a tell all now a days. Also their money is going to a different person now and I'm not sure what my method of collecting will be yet, but I would have to notify them of how we would move forward with this. And of course a new lease would have to be signed under my ownership. I really don't have a problem letting people know honestly.
I would absolutely take the lesser amount of space as to maximize cash flow. And in my area most of multi family properties are set up that way anyways.
I'm honestly very curious as to the loan process. I have never done one, but I have done tons of research on them. Research only gets me so far though. My credit score isn't so amazing somewhere mid 600's. I have had employment since I was 15 i have all the records(kindve particular when keeping paperwork lol) with no lapse and just a little over a year at my current job. In December my wife and I will be coming into just under 20k.