Originally posted by @Junior Salters:
Is it worth it to just get them made on the site or done by actual hand whether that be through or outsourced through a few of my college buds?
After trying to contact a local Texas Yellow Letter provider multiple time with no reply I decided to give it a shot myself. I'm really glad I did!!
I have a work printer, Free Ink!!.., Bought some wide ruled paper and 4x6 color envelopes at Wal-Mart for cheap, Went to YouTube and learned how to do a mail merge using Excel and Word, Bought some really cool stamps from the USPS, found a cool hand written script from Dafont.com, and printed my own custom mailers using a custom list purchased from Listsource.
Canon MG3222 Printer (fed the regular paper & 4x6 envelopes just fine!!)
Envelope- .5
TOTAL- 55 Cents per mailer!!
The list I bought from Listsource cost me about .22 per lead.
Grand Total- 77 Cents per Mailer
Time- Maybe a total of 3 hours (creating mailer template, printing, stuffing, stamping)