Good Morning...
Today is Tuesday and being much like any other typical day in the real estate investment biz my mind is focused on what I can bring to my team in terms of work output, creating new leads and overall productivity. I find it beneficial to think in terms of what I did last week that was successful, what I did yesterday that worked, and how I can build upon those actions to move forward. Before I get into the details I like to remind myself of attributes and/or work mantras that I can embrace and that have served me well. One, and probably the most foundational, lead producing, and just overall butt kicking modes of mind and action is the simple but seemingly effective idea that, I must be consistent in what I do. Whether it be blogging on a regular basis, cold calling, and/or preparing an array of marketing materials, staying on-top of these task and maintaining high output is vital for a few obvious reasons. One, is that I can only measure the effectiveness of different marketing strategies if I have good consistent data..Cold calling for example. I know it works...I often get results...But what time of day is best? How effective are different pitches? What list should I use? Was it worth buying that last very expensive list? How effective was my layered list? Data! Utilizing my data to provide me with the best odds of reaching a potential seller is only half of the equation. The other half is the physical act of defining the best time to cold call and doing it...every single day. This week I have set a goal to call for three hours per day. I feel my data is golden, my pitch is sound...Mojo Dialer ready! I'll let you know by Friday what I produced in terms of how many potential leads and how many appointments I have set up. Get Excited!
If you have any tips for someone starting out in the biz & cold calling please reply! Thanks