I had RPM Wichita manage my single family in Andover KS for about two years until recently. RPM started missing owner payments in OCT of 2016 and I had to call them to send payment. They payed but now owe me two months rent. I have switched property mangers in the mean time but have been pursuing my missed owner payments and security deposit plus 200 dollar emergency fund. Every time I called they told me only the owner Phil can pay. I was about to take them to court but I received a letter from their attorney stating the closure of RPM Wichita and that the owner was liquidating properties to pay his debts. The letter instructed me to send an invoice of money owed and to hold litigation.
I am debating whether to wait a few weeks to see how it plays out and possible save myself some lawyer fees and possibly get payed. Or to pull the trigger and go after them in court now. Any advice would be appreciated. Also if anyone reading this is also affected by RPM Wichita what's your plan?