@Michael Marston, what do you mean by projected NOI? Projected based on current operations? Projected based on where you think it could and should be, or somewhere between the two? The comp provided was essentially useless, containing no income or expense figures. All I can see from it is that someone indeed paid a higher price for a 3 quad property than the 2 quad property is asking for. For all I know the buyer overpaid, or maybe the rents are at market and therefore the higher valuation per unit is justified. Like McElroy says, buyers want wholesale and seller want retail. In this case it seems the sellers want retail without having to go through the process of positioning the property for sale, bringing rents to market, lowering expenses, etc. I am new to this and I am just curious how people view this situation. If both parties indeed recognize that rents are below market, do you typically meet somewhere in the middle? Or as a buyer, would you insist on only offering what is justified by current operations?