@Ed Tamayo
Hi Ed, its cool. That question is a good one.
I would go with Facebook as long as you are doing some retargeting and you have some sort of funnel. Selling your home is not an impulsive decision so you need to make them aware of your business, educate the user, then offer them a proposition to "see what they can get".
Facebook advertising is effective but it requires a lot of testing between ads and audiences. Also since you are targeting a small geographic area it can take a bit to see results. In my opinion boosting posts has mixed results unless you have an already established audience(page followers or friends) of potential sellers or referral sources. Google can be productive because people have a clear intent, IE searching "sell my home fast". The problem with Google is that it can get really expensive too because of the quality.
Also **IMPORTANT** if you start to just rely on Google, Facebook, or anything as the main source of your business, you can set yourself up for failure, you need a few new business sources.