@Leopoldo Vazquez
Thank you I appreciate the advice. Since reading this comment I have looked into. I like the idea, my fiancé does not. I've shown her the numbers and she just isn't on board living in a condo. Even if it's in the interim or a short term. She says she doesn't wanna keep moving our family around. I think it comes from her fear or little understanding. I will continue to try to educate her on it as that's a great idea. I purchased my original home with the 3.5% FHA, and I was told I would have to refinance out of it BUT, silver lining is I could use it again. I also have a VA loan I could take advantage of but I think I want to use that on my dream house if that makes sense, idk maybe it's foolish to think that but that's the idea. I have never thought of the idea of renting a condo. I will have to look into more in depth. If I'm not mistaken, aren't there HOA fees associated with condo ownership? It doesn't matter one way or the other, I just would need to get my confidence up when dealing with those as I've read those can be cash flow killers. Maybe I'm thinking too conservatively and need to open my scope a bit. Thanks again for the advice.