In response to my Bias to the Solo K plan. Yes, I do make $ setting up these types of plans for my clients. However, my recommendations about the Solo K. Plan are justified whether I get paid or not..
Why a Solo K over IRA/LLC.
1. Contribution Limits are nearly 10x Higher than IRA
(IRC 514(c)(9)(C)()ii). the code excludes: Acquisition indebtedness, Real property acquired by a qualified organization-mean; any trust which constitutes a qualified trust under section 401K
3. Participant Loan Feature-Borrow up to $50K or 50% of account value for any purpose.
4. No Income Restrictions for Roth Participation.
5. The BIG one-NO CUSTODIAN REQUIRED. Self Directed, Self Managed-no need to set up LLC and pay custodial fees.
There are no threshholds for how much profit must be generated, how much money must be contributed to the plan, or how soon profits and contributions must happen. Your self employment activity can be part time, and it can be ancillary to full time employment elsewhere. A person can even participate in an employer's 401K in tandem with their own Solo 401K. The only reporting requirement for the "K" plan is filling form 5500-EZ. Only required to be filed once the plan assets exceed $250K in value. I can share many more benefits with you as to why I say: The Solo K is far superior to and Individual IRA/LLC plan. The Solo 401K plan, allows you to serve as employee, employer, participant, administrator and trustee. The result is that it is the most flexible, capable, simple, inexpensive and powerful Investment vehicle allowed by law in the United States. NO CHARGE!!