Agreed. Having said that though, I also stumbled across this site the other day that contains some interesting stats about worldwide property prices in comparison to income (and other useful info). Basically, what this tells me is that, while the income/price ratios in places like Sydney, San Fran, NYC are high - they are far from that of Tokyo, Paris and Singapore etc. Obviously, im a bit of a stats nerd but I find this sort of info extremely interesting. It makes me question whether a significant decline WILL take place in the highly desirable cities of the world if people continue to these prices and the gap between the rich and poor increases in these areas? Also, it makes me wonder whether the old income/prop price ratio is a good indicator of where a market is going to head.
I know most of you on here are US investors, but im interested to hear what you guys think about this, and how it bears on future property prices worldwide and within your local area...