@Tariq B. this article is perfect, I have an open house at one of my local technical schools this Thursday, I'm looking to gain knowledge in the carpentry trade, but I've been struggling because the thought of school loans and wondering if I should stay hands off is battling with the DIY concept. I am one, that once I learn something I am like you, I become a perfectionist and I feel that I will greatly enjoy that rewarding feeling. I just want to know is it worth it to go to school (pay more loans) or should I just use YouTube to teach me but I must say that I perform better through the more traditional way of schooling. I am really only looking to lay tile, lay floors, hang drywall, cabinets, and ceilings, countertops etc....everything else I will outsource (electrical, plumbing, mechanicals, roofing). I am greatly encouraged by your testimony, I just wanna have my mind made up by Thursday?
Thanks for a great article