So I was searching for certain members, and I wanted to search greater than a 5 mile radius (since I'm looking for people around the Denver area, not Fort Collins persay), however, in order to do that, you have to have a Pro membership. To use any of the calculators, you have to have a Pro membership. While I can understand most members of this site can afford upgrades in memberships, I cannot afford a upgrade to a Plus or a Pro membership. I don't think a extended search radius should not be accessible to free users, nor do I think should the calculators only be reserved for Pro members. These, imo, should be features available to anyone, especially the search feature.
Especially for beginners like myself, just now getting their feet wet before a full dive into the real estate pool. Given I cannot afford a membership upgrade (even if I did, I don't have a way to do online transactions, no credit card), how can I make the most out of BP, not just in valuable networking, but in a educational experience as well? Thanks.