Thank you Brandon and Karen. I really appreciate the help. I am checking into meet up groups in the area right now.
I also checked on financing, since we just recently took out a loan for our home and put all of our savings into refinishing it, we are have no money to buy another home. When you say traditional financing are you talking about getting a mortgage loan through the bank? I am very new to all this, as you can probably tell, but I am very interested In learning.
Yes Karen, I am very glad to I had a gut feeling and backed out of it. Now I am just waiting to get the money refunded and I need to return all materials given to us. We took some notes at the seminar and I hope I can find out more about some of the keywords they gave us. What pulled us into the seminar was them talking about private investors that would charge a 1-3% short time loan fee so we do not have to use any money out of our pockets, which is nice because we don't have any. ;) I am just glad we got out of the seminar before we end up with a bad deal and get stuck in debt.
Again Thank you guys so much for answering me ;)